ManMat - Postroj Run Long - ukončeno
Černo-stříbrný nový popruh a nové barvy postroje SLED pro individuální disciplíny (canicross, koloběžka, kolo) s reflexními prvky. Lze barevně zkombinovat i s dalšími produkty z limitované edice 2017.
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Postroj byl sloučen s postrojem SLED pro vyšší přehlednost, jedná se o stejný střih.
Černo-stříbrný nový popruh a nové barvy postroje SLED pro individuální disciplíny (canicross, koloběžka, kolo) s reflexními prvky. Lze barevně zkombinovat i s dalšími produkty z limitované edice 2017.
Brand: | ManMat |
All categories: |
Harnesses for dogs Long pulling harnesses for dogs X-back harnesses for dogs |
We're getting the size chart ready for you.
We know from experience that every dog and every human are different, and even the best size chart is nothing more than tentative. That's why our consultants have years of practice in selecting the dog sports equipment for a wide spectrum of dogs, activities and people, and they are always ready to advise you about the type, model or size. They might just even recommend a color – they've got a trained eye for what suits our customer.
If you aren't sure about the type or size of a harness, just leave us an e-mail with the following information. We'll contact you within a couple of days and help you figure out any issues or answers you may have. You can also take a look at the options of tryout and consultation.
Firstly, please take a look at how to correctly measure a dog.
Information necessary for choosing a harness:
Breed (if it's mixed, then please point us to a similarly built breed):
Neck circumference (tight around the collar area):
Length of dogs back (from withers to the tail base):
Do you have experience with a harnessed dog? Yes/No
Do you have a harness at home? (If yes, which one? – brand, size, and ideally a picture of the harnessed dog)
Does the dog pull? Yes/No
Do you want the dog to pull? Yes/No
Any preference of brand/harness type?
Does the dog walk in front of you or is it all over the place?
How often does the dog walk next to you?
Is the dog obedient?
If the dog escaped the harness and ran free, would it be a problem?
Will you attend group trainings with other dogs (highly motivated dog)?
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Reviews 5 Arithmetic mean of the 3 ratings given.
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Anonymous 11. 3. 2018
Visitor reviews
Na mého australského ovčáka sedí dobře a pes táhne krásně. Sem velice spokojená jak s postrojem tak s komunikací s p. Levíčkovou, která mi moc pomohla a poradila.
Anonymous 5. 3. 2018
Visitor reviews
Jsem velmi spokojená :-) jak s komunikací s p. levíčkovou tak i s postrojem a hlavně ochotou všech od mushgo :-) !
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